Fat Burning Kitchen Review

The Fat Burning Kitchen is one of the bestselling diet and fitness books online. It has sold thousands of copies and there are tons of testimonials from satisfied customers. It’s a proven product that truly works.

One of the authors, Mike Geary, wrote a book called the Truth About Abs, and it was a bestseller too. His stuff just works because he walks the talk. There is no untested theory here.

He collaborated with another expert, Katherine Ebeling, to produce ‘Fat Burning Kitchen’, which is one of the most detailed and effective fat burning guides on the planet. This is a bold claim, but the product lives up to the hype.

Here is a list of chapters that you’ll find in their book:

Chapter 1 – Foods made with refined flour and corn products

Chapter 2 – Food and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup

Chapter 3 – Margarines, vegetable oils, trans fats, Crisco

Chapter 4 – Artificial Sweeteners – Splenda, NutraSweet, Saccharin

Chapter 5 – Commercial Pasteurized Dairy

Chapter 6 – Commercially raised meats; farm-raised fish

Chapter 7 – Soymilk, tofu, TVP

Chapter 8 – Sports/Energy Drinks

Chapter 9 – Energy Bars

Chapter 10 – Processed Foods, Weight-loss meals, Diet Snacks, and Diet Desserts

Chapter 11 – High quality – protein-grass fed beef or bison, wild caught fish, free-range chicken, whole (free-range) eggs

Chapter 12 – Raw dairy milk and cheese

Chapter 13 – Grass fed dairy butter, coconut oil, lard

Chapter 14 – Nuts-Almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts

Chapter 15 – Avocados

Chapter 16 – Organic berries

Chapter 17 – Organic dark green leafy vegetables

Chapter 18 – Healthy Sweeteners: Real Maple Syrup, Raw honey, Stevia

Chapter 19 – Healthy real Food Energy Bars

Chapter 20 – Dark Chocolate

Chapter 21 – Herb Teas

Chapter 22 – Items to Keep in Your Kitchen

Chapter 23 – The Transformation Has Begun

As you can see, the focus is on first getting you to give up the detrimental foods, and then show you how you can switch to healthier options. By giving you an inside look at how it all works, you’ll be much more successful when it comes to making changes and losing weight.

Let’s look at Fat Burning Kitchen and see if it’s right for you.

The Good Points:

1) If Mike Geary is involved, you can bet the product will be good. The man is a fitness expert and really knows his stuff. His partner, Katherine Ebeling is an expert too. They make a great team and the information in Fat Burning Kitchen is well-researched and on point.

2) Despite the wealth of information provided, the book is written in a way that is easy to read and understand. Too often, diet and fitness books contain complex terminology or concepts that leave laymen lost.

Fat Burning Kitchen keeps things simple and tells you what you need to know. Eat this, avoid this, do this and don’t do this. That’s about it in a nutshell. All you need to do is follow the instructions.

3) The nutrition tips will help you to reduce your cravings and appetite. This is something millions of people struggle with. They want to lose weight, but the body keeps getting hungry and they give in.

By following the eating plan in Fat Burning Kitchen, you’ll find that your appetite decreases and the struggle ends.

4) The program also comes with accompanying videos. These videos will help you understand how it all works and why it’s imperative to get your diet right if you wish to lose weight.

5) One good point about this guide is that it’s not totally focused on fat loss. The goal here is to be healthy and fat loss is just one of the benefits. When you follow the advice in Fat Burning Kitchen, your insulin sensitivity will improve and so will your blood pressure levels.

Inflammation will go down and energy levels will go up. You’ll look and feel much better when you give your body the foods it needs and discard the foods that hurt it. It’s all about working with your body.

6) The product comes with a 100 percent money back guarantee. No questions asked.

7) You’ll experience no side effects by following this program. It’s safe, sensible and very affordable. It doesn’t get better than this.

The Bad Points:

1) We must face the facts here. Changing your eating habits is not going to be a walk in the park. Our eating habits are so deeply ingrained in us that it will require effort and mindfulness to stop the poor food choices.

While the Fat Burning Kitchen gives you all the information you need and makes things simpler, ultimately, you’ll need to apply what you learn and go through the initial struggle. Once your eating habits change, it’ll be a breeze to stay on the eating plan.

2) This is an online download. You need an internet connection to access the book.

3) At slightly over 120 pages, this is a relatively long read and occasionally the information gets a little technical. Nevertheless, the writing is not so complex to leave you confused. People who dislike reading may not have the patience to complete the book.

Should You Get It?

A resounding yes! This book is so good that it’s probably the only diet book that you’ll ever need. Everything you need to know to shed the stubborn fat and dial in your diet is revealed here.

All weight loss begins in the kitchen. You can’t out exercise a bad diet. So, if you really want to lose weight quickly without spinning your wheels and going nowhere, Fat Burning Kitchen is the answer you’re looking for.

There’s really no need to hype this book further. Get it. Apply it. See the fantastic results. You’ll never look back.

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Fat Burning Kitchen

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