Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet Review

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, the word “Rei” means life and “Ki” means energy. This practice is popular and has been existing for a thousand of years. Energy healers have long been using specific stones to improve health and wellbeing. It has already helped a lot of people and it can help you too.

What is Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet?

The popular and widely used healing technique that originated from Japan is now in bracelet form. The bracelet is made from carefully chosen precious stones attuned to the body’s 7 major energy centers.

These energy or chakra centers are the following:

Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra
This is located at the base of the spine and radiates a red color that represents the earth element. When this energy is balanced, a person feels stable and confident.

Reiki Healing Bracelet - Chakras

Swadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra
This is located at the lower abdomen and radiates an orange color that represents the element water. Under this energy is the need for desires, creativity and self-worth.

Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
This is located above the navel, between the navel and the bottom of the rib cage and radiates a yellow color that represents the fire element. Its attributes include anger and aggression.

Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra
This is located at the heart area and radiates green representing air. This is said to be the center of balance within the body characterized by love, passion and trust.

Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra
This is located at the base of the throat, radiating a blue color and symbolizes the space element. Imbalance of this energy causes weakness, timidity and inability to express oneself.

Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra
This is located in between the eyebrows. It radiates the indigo color but has no element. This chakra is used to bring more concentration and is related to intelligence, intuition and insight.

Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra
This is located at the crown of the head. This is the second chakra that does not represent an element but radiates the color of violet or white. This is characterized by spirituality and enlightenment.

This bracelet is rich in symbolism and power to help you improve the flow of energy in your body. The special gems represent the colors of the energy centers of your body with an added symbol of a Tree or the Tree of Life representing the foundation of life, good health and wellbeing. Another important element is the Om symbol which embodies the vibration of the Universe.

Keep the 7 chakras balanced to attain harmony within.

How Does Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet Works

Your body is composed of parts and energy levels, when an energy becomes out of balance, it signifies that there is physical, mental and emotional disturbance and can mean you are suffering from an illness too. When all your chakras are open, energy flows freely that you reach a certain harmony between the body, mind and spirit. When you reach this harmony, you will be radiating a positive energy.

This Reiki bracelet serves as a powerful tool to relieve you from negative energy or pain that has been causing you to live a burdensome life. The gems are natural and are enhancing your body’s natural ability to heal using energy and the gems natural healing powers.

To start your energy healing with this bracelet you just have to order on a secure page with your shipping details, and get this, the bracelet is totally for FREE, you just have to pay shipping and handling, it even comes with bonuses to help you raise your energy levels.


– It is skillfully designed not only to help you with your energy levels, but it looks beautiful and chic too.

– It is attuned to your energy making you empowered and confident.

– Helps you get rid of negative energy.

– Gives you a natural healing.

– It has two bonuses namely: MP3 Audio Meditation for Accelerated Healing and Crystal Healing, both can be instantly accessed after your secure check out.

– It enhances focus and meditation.

– Product is 100% FREE, just pay shipping and handling.

– There is product support for any questions you may have about ordering and the product.

– You get a 60-day Money Back Guarantee.


– Can only be purchased on their official website, so you need an internet access to do that.

– This is not a replacement for any medical advice.


Have the balance that you need in life. Oftentimes, life becomes difficult to deal with, the Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet is made of natural gemstones with natural healing ability attuned to your body’s energy representing your life and wellbeing.

This will be the perfect accessory to experience energy healing, a charming complement to make you feel confident, empowered, relaxed and focused in this modern time where every day there seems a sense of distraction and toxicity. Equip yourself with a beautiful bracelet to encourage good health, positivity and vitality in your life.

Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet

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